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Spiritual Gifts Assessment

When you accepted Christ, you not only got saved…you were given something very special from God; a giftedness to serve God in a unique way. God's plan for your life is that you would meet a specific need in the church family, and He has gifted you in a special way to meet that need. 

"As each one of us has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10


If you have trusted Christ, then you have a spiritual gift! Even if you don't know what it is or don't feel particularly gifted in a specific area, the Bible teaches that you do have a special gift that you can use to serve God. And, believe it or not, your gift is vital to the work of God in our church family, otherwise God would not have placed you here.


God’s Word teaches that as a member of His Body, you are important to His work in this place. He has appointed you a gift and a purpose for being here… and you will greatly enjoy discovering and using that gift for His purposes!


What should you do with a spiritual gift?


1 Peter says that God wants you to be a "good steward" of His gift to you! The best way to do that is to begin now discovering, developing, and using your gift to serve the Lord and His church. The great result of using your gift is that the entire church family ministers to each other and to the community. That's the way the church, the Body of Christ, is supposed to work!




  • To complete the assessment, answer every question in order by circling the number, 0 to 5, that most accurately describes yourself.

  • While answering, refer to the scale indicator above the questions.

  • When completing the spiritual gifts assessment, do not think as much as react.

  • For the most accurate assessment answer quickly and honestly.


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